Monday, May 28, 2012

Tattoo Ink

Many people end up getting a case of tattoo regret and end up looking for a way to erase tattoo ink that they got done and now regret. It may be the ink you got a few years back that now looks childish or maybe your new girlfriend isn't as pleased with the name of your ex in a heart on your arm. Whatever the reason you are here because you are interested in cheap methods to get rid of your unwanted ink in the safety of your own home. Invasion Of Removal Process An effective removal method that is cheap is one that isn't invasive. This means that you want to be looking for one that doesn't involve breaking the surface of the skin to get to the tattoo pigment. 

Options like removal cream and natural methods break down the pigments in the tattoo and the ink comes up to the surface where it can soon be removed by the natural immune system. This method will take time to go through but it can be very effective to go through. On the other hand invasive methods such as lasers and dermabrasion will break into the skin and will leave you scarring, irritation and maybe even the discolouration of the skin in the tatted area. Price Of Removal Process The other factors that you want to look into are the costs of removal. Surgical methods are going to burn a hole in your wallet for example going for the laser removal will cost you more than twice the amount you paid for your original tattoo.

 Home based solutions are going to cost you less than the surgical methods as you won't need a professional to go through the process for you which is where most of the normal cost comes from. Duration Of Removal Process Surgical methods such as lasers and dermabrasions are fast and effective ways to remove any unwanted ink fast. You will have to go through multiple sessions over a course of months to ensure the removal of the tattoo. With home based methods if you wish to erase tattoo ink then the duration will be longer since you aren't using a laser to break down the pigment but instead there are chemicals which go into your body to do this which slows down the process but even with this in mind it is in no way less effective than surgical methods.

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